nedjelja, 26. kolovoza 2007.

setting up a fish tank

A tropical fish aquarium is a fabulous furnishing for your home due to the tropical fishes attractive and colorful appearance. Tropical fish are beautiful pets that do not require nearly as much attention to care for as dogs and cats do.

There are a few things that you need to consider when you set up a tropical fish aquarium.

1. What fish variety or species you will keep in your tank. You can not, for instance, keep more than one Betta fish in a tank, because the two of them will fight each other. Instead you should opt for variety. This will also make your aquarium a work of art with all the flashing colors of the tropical fish residents, providing of course that you make sure that your fish are all compatible with each other.

2. When you have decided what fish to have, you can choose your aquarium. The size of your aquarium that you need should be based on the number of fish that you want to live in it, and the size of each fish species that you have chosen. If you are unsure, you local pet store should be able to advise you. Of course, you will also need to ensure that you have sufficient space in your home to comfortably accommodate your new aquarium!

3. You will also need some equipment for your aquarium:

- Filter
- Heater
- Lighting
- Hood
- Algae Magnet
- CO2 Diffusers
- Plants
- Gravel
- Gravel Vacuum
- Nets
- Fish Food

This might seem like rather a lot of equipment that you need to purchase. However, do remember that once you have bought them, you will not have to buy the equipment again for years, apart from the food of course.

When you have an aquarium, you want to dress it up with aquarium accessories. There are many different types of accessories you can buy depending on the type of fish you have and whether you have a saltwater or a freshwater aquarium. For a saltwater aquarium you can add coral and in this line there are many different kinds to choose from. Rocks are other accessories that you can add, such as carved rainbow rock, lace rock, carved tufa or carved lava. For saltwater aquariums, you can also have shells of all kinds to make the aquarium appear as close as possible to the natural habitat of the fish.

Accessories for freshwater aquariums also include the same type of rocks as you can have in saltwater tanks. However, you can also add aquarium driftwood to an aquarium with fresh water in it. The driftwood comes from swamplands and sinks naturally to the bottom of the aquarium. You don't have to worry that it will float on the top and possibly injure some of your fish. The driftwood is naturally brown in color and you can buy attached to a brown slate rock or separately.

Apart from decorations for your aquarium, you also need accessories such as pumps and filters to keep the water free from toxic waste that could be harmful to the fish. Cleaning products for the aquarium include such things as magnets and a pad replacement kit for the glass or acrylic in the tank.

You will also need to have additives for the water. For example, if you have a saltwater aquarium, a reef solution is an all-purpose additive that helps to enhance the environment for the fish. It helps to keep the fish healthy and safe. For freshwater aquariums, there is also a solution you can use to stimulate the appetite of the tropical fish .

Types of aquarium fishes

If you are looking for a way to set up a tropical fish aquarium in your home then there are certain things you must know before you start collecting the items needed.

Let's look at the tropical fish aquarium from a different perspective. The tropical fish are primarily made to live in the sea water, but we are looking for a way to make them live in a small aquarium tank. No matter what you do an aquarium tank can never be replaced with real life sea life. I an aquarium we can try our best to rebuild the kind of environment that the tropical fish will enjoy, but certainly has limitations.

That is why selecting the exact types of tropical fish will help you create a healthy aquarium in no time at all. Not all tropical fish can survive in the small tank. Also there are certain species that will never live together and cam cause danger to lives of each other.

That is why the best types of tropical fish that you can use in your home aquarium are.

1) Blue Gourami or 3 Spot Gourami
2) The Black Moor Goldfish
3) The Butterfly Loach

These 3 types of tropical fish are best as pet tropical fish that you can have in a home aquarium. Actually there are hundreds of types of tropical fish with great amount of colors that can easily add to the beauty of you tropical fish aquarium, but as I said they must be willing to adjust themselves to the kind of environment you will be creating in a small aquarium.

Types of tropical fish varies with not just colors, but the kind of food they eat and types of tropical fish they will go with. Amongst the many types of tropical fish such as Rainbows, Danios, Barbs, the butterfly loach is the one that can go very well with any kind of other type of fish and helps to keep the tank clean too.

I hope this article was informative.